Monday 4 April 2011



Alhambra Granada, Moorish Palace in Spain. Traditional use of water for cooling and ornament.

Looking at the potential for using bamboo for solar shading and all other timber elements within the design.

Photos of Es Jonquet's traditional residential streets.

Interesting rooflights from our recent Oxford field trip

Using sails to create cool public spaces. This solar shade kit makes this an affordable (or charitable) option for poor communities.

Considering using sails for cooling the public square outside the artisan centre.

Traditional spanish streets here show the type of atmosphere the sails create as a public space.

Richard Meier - Ara Pacis Museum in Rome uses water in public space.

The Es Jonquet windmills

Further development drawings (15th March)

Elevation idea from south

Material palette: White concrete, timber
Corten steel, colour concrete or stone

Development through computer modeling

Interim Review Sheets (24th Feb)

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Phillip Webb Design Competition Entry

Working alongside fellow student Vinesh Pomal, we proposed a scheme to regenerate three of the existing, currently defunct, windmills in Es Jonquet as well as an urban masterplan for the area. 
The award aims to encourage new design in the context of historic buildings from any era and to develop an appreciation of old buildings among architectural students.

Photos of existing windmill structures:

Photo montages of our proposal to regenerate the windmills to become a bar, restaurant and a youth hostel.

2 x A1 competition entry boards: